Why I Oppose Pre-Funding Pensions
At tonight’s meeting, the Council voted to pre-fund future pension costs, to the tune of $7.5 million. Doing this might, if things work out as expected, reduce San Carlos’ future annual pension costs by about $500,000. Those costs are currently around $4.5 million per year, having risen from about $2.5
Why I Am Opposing Increasing the Hotel Occupancy Tax and Instituting a Cannabis Business Tax
At tonight’s Council meeting, staff was given direction to begin the process of putting two tax measures on this November’s ballot. The first measure would increase San Carlos’ Transient Occupancy Tax — the tax everyone pays when they stay in a hotel — from 10% to 14%, probably over a
Turner Letter Claiming Damages
Turner’s, through their attorneys, are claiming San Carlos owes them money. Turner Letter Claiming Damages (redacted) You may have lots of questions about this. However, since we’ve already been threatened with lawsuits involving this matter, please understand that I will not be able to respond. Please also note that I
Time to Plan for the Future
This ran in the San Mateo Daily Journal on Monday, April 2, 2018. What would you do with $38,000,000? It’s a question we’d probably all like to face. I can’t offer that princely sum to you as an individual…but it’s a very relevant question for every resident of San Carlos.
More License Plate Readers on Tap
At our next meeting, the Council will take up a request by the Sheriff’s Department — which provides law enforcement in San Carlos — to purchase an additional license plate reader, and expand how long captured license plate data is retained. Our existing license plate readers have played a useful
Too Bad, That’s a Neat Looking Knife
I got a letter from the National Rifle Association today. Figuring it might be something directed at me as a Council member, you can imagine my disappointment when it turned out to be just a push poll. But what a push poll! Some examples of the questions: Do you support