Redevelopment Redux

At our January 9, 2012 meeting one of the topics we’ll be covering is the next steps, if any, involving the San Carlos Redevelopment Agency in light of two important recent events. Last December, the judge presiding over a lawsuit brought by the San Carlos Elementary School District, the Sequoia

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Shoe Leather

[singlepic id=1 w=400] One of the, if not unique, certainly unusual aspects of my City Council campaign was the degree to which my team and I pounded the pavement reaching out to voters. All told, we knocked on 5,538 doors, covering about 86% of our wonderful small town. Not everyone

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The First Step

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu This past Monday evening I officially joined the San Carlos City Council, capping an intense, but exhilarating campaign season. Now the real work begins! I’m excited about getting started, and looking forward to working with my

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