A Conservative Budget in a Crisis Is Not a Good Thing
This is an op ed I wrote which was published in the Daily Post on April 26, 2021 under the title “Wrong kind of budget in an emergency”. Both titles are catchy, IMHO, so go with the one you prefer :). I’ll post a link to the Post’s website once
Appoint or Hold an Election
The San Carlos School District is faced with a choice on how to fill the seat soon to be vacated as a result of Carol Elliot’s retirement. This is a topic I have quite a bit of experience with. I’ve been through two different appoint or elect decisions, one when
How About a Downtown Pedestrian Plaza?
This is a comment I posted on Chuck Gillooley’s White Oaks blog. I thought it deserved a broader audience. It was in response to his article about the Council’s recent discussion of the temporary Laurel Street closure, and a poll he published asking if people would like to see it
Take Back the Brand!
While this isn’t specifically focused on San Carlos it does reflect an important issue that involves many San Carlans. It also encapsulates some deeply held personal views on politics, governance and patriotism. Whether you agree with it or not I hope you enjoy it (it’s from another website I run).
Ray Mueller for County Board of Supervisors
It gives me great pleasure to explain why I’ve endorsed Menlo Park Council Member Ray Mueller in his race to join the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. You can read all about it on the endorsement page. I hope you’ll take the time to learn more about him!
Some Thoughts on Governing
These are my farewell remarks, which I gave to the new Council on December 14, 2020. The video is about 7.5 minutes long.