The Carlos Club

Monday night the Council voted 3 to 2 to deny the conditional use permit requested by the Carlos Club. I voted for denial. I thought you might be interested as to the major reasons I chose to vote the way I did.

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Overtime and Hiring/Retention

The Carlos Club hearing at last night’s Council meeting overshadowed another topic which may be of greater long-term significance to more of San Carlos. That was the Council’s authorization to add three firefighters to the San Carlos Fire Department.

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Land Use and Business Expansion

You may have wondered why I haven’t written about the Council’s upcoming review of the Carlos Club expansion application. There’s a simple reason: I haven’t made up my mind. And it’s important that I not make up my mind before the public hearing, because the Council acts in a quasi-judicial

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A Planning We Will Go

Today was the joint City Council/City staff semiannual planning retreat. It defines both longer-term goals and the specific objectives that staff will pursue over the next six months. I thought it was a generally useful exercise, but there’s room for improvement. I also have a better idea now of why

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Towering Incompetence

At last night’s City Council meeting we unanimously, but quite reluctantly, approved a revised cellphone tower proposal from AT&T as part of settling a lawsuit they had brought against the City. Much of the meeting was spent discussing the proposed settlement, and taking AT&T to task for continuing to underperform

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High Speed Rail

At last night’s City Council meeting we gave new guidance to staff as to how the Council views high speed rail as it relates to San Carlos. The short version of where we ended up is simple: the Council doesn’t support putting more tracks through San Carlos. This is a

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